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Praemia REIM in Germany has its own Research-Team, which analyzes the German real estate market at regular intervals and issues forecasts. The quarterly STANDPUNKT provides investors with an analysis of specific asset classes in the current context of financial, economic, demographic and social factors. In addition, the research team publishes specific reports, such as an analysis of the office property market, to keep investors up to date on changes in the German real estate markets.

STANDPUNKT was published under the previous company name "Primonial REIM Germany" including
June 2024. From 1 July 2024, the STANDPUNKT series will be continued under our new company name
"Praemia REIM Germany".




The mood in the real estate sector is positive, but it is too early to be overly optimistic. Despite the first interest rate cut in a long time and the stabilization of prime yields over the past six months, the transaction market has yet to recover.



Losses hurt – much more than gains bring joy! Many institutional and private real estate investors are currently going through this painful experience. The loss-ridden last two years in the real estate markets have left deep wounds.sitive, but it is too early to be overly optimistic. Despite the first interest rate cut in a long time and the stabilization of prime yields over the past six months, the transaction market has yet to recover.


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A real crisis year for real estate is behind us! Historically low transaction volumes, rapidly rising interest rates and insolvencies characterized the past year.
An entire sector is now hoping for falling interest rates in 2024.

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The real estate industry is winding down the year comfortably! 

This impression could at least be created by looking at the transaction figures for the year 2023. In fact, many real estate companies are in crisis mode, so there can be no talk of a "cozy" autumn mood. In our latest STANDPUNKT report on the German real estate market, you can find out which asset classes may soon be on the rise again.
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Hope is followed by resignation. This is how the mood on the real estate markets could be summed up. The big comeback of real estate as an asset class is unlikely to happen this year...

But in every crisis there are also new opportunities and many market players have currently identified these in the residential market. Above all, the dramatic decline in construction activity is fuelling many investors' fantasies of attractive returns with low risks. After all, with less supply, rents will have to rise significantly in the future. In our latest STANDPUNKT on the German real estate market, you can read about the three key risk factors that should not be forgotten in this simple formula and which asset classes may currently be viewed too critically.
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The real estate market is at a standstill! This statement can be made at least with regard to the transaction activity in the first quarter of this year. Although individual transactions were recorded despite great restraint, a wait-and-see mood continues to prevail across all asset classes.

The German office property market is particularly affected by this "wait-and-see". Here, transaction volumes reached a low not seen for more than ten years. In our latest STANDPUNKT Q1 2023 on the German real estate market, you can read why things could soon start to look up again in the course of the year and why waiting may seem smart but is not always the right decision.
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German Office Report 2023

Are you tired of hearing negative news all the time? Then take a look at our latest report on the German office real estate market. In it you will find the answers
  • why Germany is one of the most attractive markets for office investments,
  • why home offices have hardly any impact on the demand for office space,
  • why tenants and landlords need to work more closely together again,
  • why new construction is not the solution,
  • and: Why ESG is not a cost driver but a return driver.
Enjoy reading!


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The year 2022 is over and we can now also see from the figures that the real estate boom has ended for the time being. This is reflected in significant declines in transaction volumes across all asset classes. Caution prevails and pricing remains complicated in a rapidly changing interest rate environment.

The healthcare market, which hit the headlines at the beginning of the year with two operator insolvencies, has also developed from an anchor of stability to a problem child. Why investments in healthcare real estate can nevertheless be attractive right now and why there is suddenly talk again about the importance of diversification, you can read in our latest STANDPUNKT Q4 2022 on the German real estate market.
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It was already clear at this year's Expo Real: The mood on the German real estate market is beginning to turn! 

The combination of soaring construction interest rates, high inflation and the energy crisis is bringing the real estate boom to a creeping end. A look at the volume of transactions and the development of yields in the first three quarters confirms this. Investors are currently holding back, especially in the major asset classes of office and residential. 

Our latest STANDPUNKT Q3 2022 on the German real estate market provides information on which smaller asset classes continue to be very crisis-resistant and why we should nevertheless be cautiously optimistic about the new year.
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The much-described turnaround in the real estate markets triggered by a sharp rise in interest rates can now also be seen in the bare figures: Transaction volumes collapsed in all asset classes in the second quarter of 2022, investors are giving project developments a wide berth, and the first yield increases are being seen in the major asset classes of office and residential.

For further analysis by asset class and why the healthcare market is the bright spot of 2022 so far, read our latest STANDPUNKT Q2 2022 on the German real estate market.
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For real estate investors, the environment is becoming increasingly challenging with rising construction interest rates and the threat of stagflation. But there is also good news.

You can read more about this in our latest STANDPUNKT Q1 2022.